Services Overview
At Smart Edge Solutions Ltd, we provide different services in the wider field of training, business mentorship and support, monitoring and evaluation, project appraisals as well as other business development services. Our focus areas are:
This is the planning and execution of training programs guided by the clients’ desired situations. The trainings include: entrepreneurship, financial management, financial literacy, monitoring and evaluation, governance, participatory rural appraisal (PRA), management, leadership skills, youth empowerment and customer service. Smart Edge Solutions Ltd is duly registered by the National Industrial Training Authority (NITA) as a Training Services Provider.
Strategic Planning
This is the strengthening of organizations’ performance by development of a road map to define its strategy (direction), and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy.
Other Business Development Services
Business Mentorship
Mentoring is sharing knowledge, skills and life experience to guide another towards reaching their full potential: It is a journey of shared discovery.
Monitoring & Evaluation
This is the assessment of the extent of achievement of a project’s interventions. These include: baseline surveys, yearly appraisals, impact assessment surveys, mid - term reviews and end of project reviews as well as market systems analysis.
Needs Assessment
This is a systematic process for determining and addressing needs (gaps) between current conditions and desired conditions (wants). The need can be a desire to improve current performance or to correct a deficiency. This assessment can include a training/enterprise needs assessment.
Institutional Strengthening
This is the enhancement of an organization’s people, processes and procedures in the spirit of attaining its objectives. These includes: organizational capacity assessments and development, development of organizational frameworks as well as mentoring and coaching services.
Why Us
Smart Edge Solutions Limited is committed to and fully subscribes to the guidelines namely:
- Meeting the client’s requirements
Ensuring that the results meet the information needs of intended users and be owned by the stakeholders.
- Integrity and Objectivity
Our report findings ensure that information is technically adequate and accurate with respect to the situation on the group
- Responsibility at all stages of the consultancy
We ensure that legal and ethical issues are part of the consultancy and assume responsibility with our clients for our work.
- Participatory approaches and transfer of skills
Ensure that results are feasible, realistic and diplomatic.